Monday, October 12, 2009

Do What You Know

No matter what someone may tell you, the expression of your thoughts and feelings can do nothing but cause a problem unless of course your feelings and thoughts are in lines with their own.

Contrary feelings are just a reason for bad and/or ill feelings.  Contrary feelings are no longer a point for discussion or learning points. I am not sure that there was ever a time that contrary feelings were ever anything more then a reason for bad feeling.  So how do you do what you know?

You know how to keep your mouth shut, you know how to agree with people.  You know how to be a yes what you know.  Not everyone can be special, some of us have to be the common folks that make sure that special people shine.  If you have to ask which person you are, then you are the common folk like me, welcome.

Do what you know.

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